Secur-Net USA

Be the Hunter, Not the Prey

Protect your Dealership or Business

Secur-Net USA offers businesses a way to reduce their security guard costs by 20% to 50%, saving them thousands a month, by combining human intelligence with the latest advancements in video surveillance technologies. We provide protection for auto dealerships, trucking and equipment rental facilities, office complexes, shopping centers, general aviation stations, school buildings electric substations, parking garages, utility substations, storage yards, ATMs, and more.

“[Secur-Net] has been saving me money since 1996…”


Our Reputation

Our proven success record of continuous service since the 90s, and our continuously evolving business, make Secur-Net far superior to any other guard, security, or video surveillance monitoring company in business today GUARANTEED! For many of our clients, us saving them 20% to 50% on security guard costs represented an immediate savings of THOUSANDS of dollars per month, while experiencing greater service than our competition.

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